RabitMQ - has libraries for favorite programming languages, and frameworks like spring, interface for web monitoring
RabbitMQ speaks the AMQP protocol by default.
Publisher (Producer) - Publishes message to Message Broker
Message Broker - RabbitMQ [Exchange, [Queue, ..] ]
Exchange receives messages and directs them to the correct queue
Exchange type:
Exchange type:
- Direct - sends depending on binding key.
- Topic - sends based on wildcard.
- Fanout - sends all queue, that ar bound to it.
- Durable
- exchanges will survive server restarts and will last until they are explicitly deleted.
- Temporary
- exchanges exist until RabbitMQ is shutdown.
- Auto deleted
- exchanges are removed once the last bound object unbound from the exchange.
Consumer - Consumes data. Subscribes.
- Client applications called producers that create messages and deliver them to the broker (the message queue)
- Other applications, called consumers, connects to the queue and subscribes to the messages to be processed. Messages that are placed onto the queue are stored until the consumer retrieves them.
- Set up connection.(Username, password)
- Open channel in tcp connection.
- Declare/create a queue
- Subscriber/Consumer - Set up exchanges and bind a queue to an exchange. For messages to be routed to queue, queue need to be bound to exchange
- Publisher: Publish message to echange
- Subscriber/Consumer - Consume a message from queue.
- Close the channel and the connection
cloudamqp.com - cloudAMQP
Installing rabitmq:
rabitmq status:
$ service rabbitmq-server status
enabling service:
$ chkconfig rabbitmq-server onenable plugins:
$ sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
cmd commands:
List exchanges:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_exchange
By default you can't login to remote console from external non-local.
How to enable logging from remote machine to rabitmq console:
$ rabbitmqctl add_user YOUR_USERNAME YOUR_PASSWORD
$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags YOUR_USERNAME administrator
$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / YOUR_USERNAME ".*" ".*" ".*"
$ rabbitmqctl add_user YOUR_USERNAME YOUR_PASSWORD
$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags YOUR_USERNAME administrator
$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / YOUR_USERNAME ".*" ".*" ".*"
By default rabitmq blocks loggins from remote ip adresses. How to enable remote login?
Goto /etc/rabbitmq folder and create rabbitmq.conf with file content:
loopback_users = none
Can't enable web access to http://localhost:15672 from Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS to rabbitmq