2024 m. balandžio 17 d., trečiadienis


Downloading docker

Downloading container:
$ sudo docker pull ubuntu
$ sudo docker pull ubuntu:14.04

14.04 is a tag from docker image repository, it can be found here.

Deleting docker container
$ sudo docker rmi [NAME/IMAGE ID]
$ sudo docker rmi ubuntu:14.04
$ sudo docker rmi 00fd29ccc6f1


Info about docker:
sudo docker info

List all images:
$ sudo docker images

List running and stopped containers, -a for all
$ sudo docker ps

$ sudo docker search nginx
$ sudo docker search alpine --filter 'is-official=true'
$ sudo docker images --format '{{.Size}} {{.Repository}}


Run docker container:
$ sudo docker run hello-world

Attaching to process:
$ sudo docker attachach [container-id]

Run and attach to it:
$ sudo docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
Ctrl + P + Q - Detaching from container

Running and binding port:
$ sudo docker run  -p 90:90  -t [hash]

Running command:
$ docker run -it alpine:latest sleep 10

Reataching to container
$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it e37f24dc7e0a bash


$ sudo docker stop 7d5bc3d73c1b # sends SIGTERM to PID1
$ sudo docker kill 7d5bc3d73c1b # sends SIGKILL to PID1

Visi konteineriai saugomi:
# ls /var/lib/docker/containers/

$ sudo docker images -q
$ sudo docker rmi 9f163cb3061e

Deleting Images

You cannot delete an image that is associated with a container in the running (Up) or stopped (Exited) states.

$ sudo docker images -q
$ sudo docker rmi 9f163cb3061e

Monitoring tools:


2024 m. balandžio 16 d., antradienis

Configuring Multithreading Mode with Odoo v17 Using Nginx Proxy Manager

 First download Nginx Proxy Manager

This tutorial assumes you are using nginx proxy manager docker image.


After setup add default configuration

Create 2 files with content:

Included at the top of the main http block


map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
  default upgrade;
  ''      close;

Included at the end of every proxy server block:/opt/docker/nginx-proxy-manager/data/nginx/custom/server_proxy.conf

location /websocket {
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";
    proxy_cookie_flags session_id samesite=lax secure;  # requires nginx 1.19.8

2024 m. balandžio 7 d., sekmadienis

Knygų nuorodos

Audio knygos - 🔗

Skaitomos knygos - 🔗

Įvairios:  🔗

2024 m. balandžio 4 d., ketvirtadienis

Wii U Hacks homebrew

 WiU 5.5.5 homebrew - Guide

Custom firmware (often abbreviated as "CFW") 

  • Use “ROM hacks” for games that you own.
  • Backup, edit and restore saves for many games.
  • Play games for older systems with various emulators, using RetroArch or other standalone emulators.
  • Play out-of-region games.
  • Dump your Wii U game discs to a format that can be installed on your internal or external Wii U storage drive.


An environment consists of ordered "setup modules" like Tiramisu, which are executed once to establish the environment's configuration.

About SD cards: Note: Avoid class 4 SD Cards, and avoid eBay!


What is NAND -  How to dump NAND

🎥 - short 

🎥 - more detailed


🎥 Aroma Install Guide


Pretendo setup