2025 m. sausio 7 d., antradienis

Odoo record rules



Record rules are conditions which must be satisfied in order for an operation to be allowed. Record rules are evaluated record-by-record, following access rights.

Current user id:




('project_id', '!=', False)
# Check if field is not empty

Raw Record Data: account.analytic.line(11842)

  "project_id": [

('employee_id', '=', 12) # Only show user with id 12

('employee_id.user_id', '=', user.id)

['|',('company_id','=',False),('company_id', 'in', company_ids)]

Odoo context

 Modify Odoo Environment | Odoo Self Env in Odoo | Odoo Environment Variables 

2024 m. gruodžio 11 d., trečiadienis

Naudingo komandos


$ kill $(ps aux | grep "[o]doo" | awk '{print $2}') 


$ git revert HEAD~1 - # Reverts last commit
$ git reset --hard HEAD~1 # Removes lasts commit
$ git rebase -i HEAD~2 # Git combine last 2 commits

2024 m. lapkričio 23 d., šeštadienis

Youtube download

Online tools:

https://ytmp3s.nu/hFxo/ -  Youtube to mp3/mp4

https://v3.ytmp3.media/vwOac/ - works with large files over 10 h



Get transcript from video

https://anthiago.com/transcript/  - Get transcript.

2024 m. lapkričio 19 d., antradienis

Handling Message-ID in Odoo 17

In Odoo 17, the management of the Message-ID is integral to its email notification and tracking system. This unique identifier enables precise handling of email conversations, ensuring smooth communication and data management within the platform. Below is a detailed look at how Odoo utilizes the Message-ID in its email workflows.

How Odoo 17 Handles Message-ID

1. Sending Emails
  • Message-ID Creation: Every email sent through Odoo (e.g., notifications about sales orders or project updates) is assigned a unique Message-ID.
  • Email Headers: The Message-ID is embedded in the email headers. This allows email clients to reference the original message during replies, enabling Odoo to maintain the conversation thread.

2. Receiving Replies
  • In-Reply-To Header: When a recipient replies to an Odoo email, their email client includes the original Message-ID in the In-Reply-To header.
  • Reply Matching: Odoo checks this header against its database. If a matching Message-ID is found, the reply is linked to the corresponding record (e.g., a task, ticket, or order).

3. Processing Incoming Emails

Odoo's mail thread model handles incoming emails using methods like message_process and message_update.


Email Processing Workflow in Odoo 17

  1. Sending Emails: When an email is sent using Odoo, it generates a Message-ID and includes it in the email headers. This ID helps identify the specific message instance.
  2. Receiving Replies: When a recipient replies to an email, their response must include the original Message-ID in the In-Reply-To header. Odoo uses this information to link the reply back to the original document or record associated with that email.
  3. Tracking Emails: Odoo utilizes fields like res_model and res_id within its database to associate incoming emails with specific records. This ensures that replies are correctly attached to their corresponding tasks, helpdesk tickets, or other documents within Odoo's ecosystem



How to view message-id in outlook:

Click 3 dots inside message, then view and View message details.


 Mastering Custom Email Domains in Odoo 


 Odoo Email Communication I: New Features & Theoretical Foundations 


Odoo Email Communication II: Let's Practice! Hands-On Techniques & Best Practices

Additional Resources

  • OCA Extensions: Explore community-driven tools for Odoo on GitHub: OCA Social Repository.
  • Tools for Email Debugging: Use platforms like MXToolbox to troubleshoot email configurations.